Months of the Year Syllable Song | Counting Syllables | Phonological Awareness | Jack Hartmann

2018-07-29 444

Clap and stomp out the syllables as we sing the months of the year. Learn syllabication and move to the Months of the Year Syllable Song.\r
Months of the year syllable song\r
Clap the syllables and sing along\r
Jan•u•ary Jan•u•ary\r
Feb•ru•ary Feb•ru•ary\r
March March\r
A•pril A•pril\r
May May\r
June June\r
Ju•ly Ju•ly\r
Au•gust Au•gust\r
Sep•tem•ber Sep•tem•ber\r
Oc•to• ber Oc•to• ber\r
No•vem•ber No•vem•ber\r
De•cem•ber De•cem•ber\r
Months of the year syllable song\r
Stomp the syllables and sing along\r
Jan•u•ary Jan•u•ary\r
Feb•ru•ary Feb•ru•ary\r
March March\r
A•pril A•pril\r
May May\r
June June\r
Ju•ly Ju•ly\r
Au•gust Au•gust\r
Sep•tem•ber Sep•tem•ber\r
Oc•to• ber Oc•to• ber\r
No•vem•ber No•vem•ber\r
De•cem•ber De•cem•ber\r
Months of the year syllable song\r
You did it!!\r
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